Protecting your privacy is really important to WealthONE. With this in mind, We are providing this Privacy Online Statement to explain, in general terms, how your personal information is collected, used, and in relation to your online activities, through use of Our website or other online technologies, such as email or mobile applications. The online banking section of Our website requires you to use your Client ID number and Personal Access Code (PAC) to enter. For complete disclosure of how your information is used and protected, please refer to Our Privacy Agreement here.
Wealth One Bank of Canada (variously “WealthONE™”, “We”, “Our”, “Us” or the “Bank”) is committed to protecting the privacy of all Personal Information obtained in the course of conducting its business.
To ensure that you are the only person accessing your personal financial information, We restrict access to the online banking section of the site by requiring that you enter your Client ID number and PAC to log in. If this is your first time logging in, you will be asked to choose three security questions and provide answers for each one. Only you know your PAC and your answers to the security questions. Our employees do not have access to your PAC or answers to your security questions, and they will never ask you to reveal them. If someone does ask you to provide your PAC or answers to your online banking security questions to them, We ask that you refuse to do so and Contact Us immediately.
By nature, Our Online Banking site has many transactional functions, such as transfers between accounts and bill payment functions. These transactions are all logged to ensure that your accounts are debited or credited appropriately, and a history of each transaction is available to verify your account information. We store and use your transactional information in the same fashion as if you performed the transaction at one of Our offices or through any other service channel.
We may also use transactional information for servicing your account — for example, billing you for the particular transactions that you perform, or for the services that you use.
We create a secure channel between your browser and Our server to protect your information when you use the Wealth One Bank of Canada website. Sessions are secured to a minimum of 128-bit SSL encryption, which is the financial services industry standard.
To continually improve Our site, We often collect statistics about how Our clients are using it. These usage statistics are only viewed in the aggregate and are not associated with you as an individual. We use this information for purposes, such as improving pages where our clients are having difficulties.
The information collected may include your IP address, browser type and operating system, as well as data, such as the number and types of pages visited, and the length of time spent per page and on the site overall.
We use a key web technology called cookies: a cookie is a small information token that sits on your computer. As you use this site, cookies are passed back and forth between Our server and your browser.
Specifically, We use two kinds of cookies — session cookies and persistent cookies. A session cookie exists only for the length of your browsing session and is deleted when you close your browser. A persistent cookie is a cookie that stays on your computer after you close your browser. A persistent cookie may or may not expire on a given date.
We use a session cookie to maintain the integrity of your online banking session. With each page that you visit, the cookie is passed back and forth between Our server and your browser. We use the cookie to distinguish your session from the many others that may be happening at the same time. Our session cookies never store any personal information, such as your name, date of birth, or any of your financial information, such as your account details and balances.
We may use persistent cookies to (i) provide you with a customized experience by recording your preferences; (ii) gather statistical information, such as average time spent on a page; and (iii) show you targeted marketing information about Us when you visit other websites. The data gathered provides Us with information on how we can improve the design, content and navigation of Our website.
More recent browser versions allow you to set some level of control over which cookies are accepted and how your browser uses them. For example, it may be set to notify you when it is receiving a cookie so that you accept cookies from only known and reliable sites, such as this one. If you are concerned about cookies, We encourage you to upgrade your browser to a recent version and review the Help section of your browser to learn more about its specific control features.
We also use “web beacons” (also known as web bugs, pixel tags, or clear GIFs), which are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, which are included on Our site for several purposes. For example, We may use web beacons to deliver or communicate with cookies, track and measure the performance of Our site, monitor how many visitors view Our site, and monitor the effectiveness of Our advertising. Unlike cookies, which are stored on the user’s hard drive, web beacons are typically embedded invisibly on web pages (or in an e-mail).
We use a persistent cookie to store information to help you personalize the site and make it easier to use. For example, We allow you to make the log-in easier by remembering your log-in information within Our Memorized Accounts feature. Since the Memorized Accounts feature is optional, you must enable it when you click on “Register this Computer” when you log in with a new device for the first time. This cookie only contains information that you have entered into it and every time you clear your cookies, you will have to re-register your device. We never store your PAC in a cookie.
You should only register a mobile device or computer if it is your own, or if you are the only person who uses it (i.e. your home or personal work computer). Do not register shared computers (i.e. shared work computers, public library computers).
To ensure that no one else can access your personal information, always use the logout button to end an online banking session. It is located at the top of every page. When you exit using the logout button, We delete your session cookie so that your session cannot be resumed unless your Client ID number and PAC are re-entered.
In addition to mail and fax, We may communicate with You via electronic messages including text, email, sound, voice or image messages to your electronic mail, instant messaging, or to a similar account regarding Our products and Services or to fulfill legal obligations.
You have the right to notify Us to stop sending You such electronic communications. To stop receiving these types of promotional communications please Contact Us.
Our site may also contain links to other websites or Internet resources. However, We have no control over these other websites or Internet resources and do not control their collection, use and disclosure of your personal information. Always review the Privacy statements of the sites that you are viewing. Please review Our Website’s Terms of Use here for additional information on links to other sites.
We welcome any questions or concerns about your privacy relating to your use of Our services. To enquire about Our privacy policies, you may Contact Us at:
Chief Privacy Officer
Wealth One Bank of Canada
18 King Street East, Suite 1002
Toronto, ON Canada M5C 1C4
Toll Free: 1.866.392.1088
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WealthONE is a registered trade name of Wealth One Bank of Canada in all provinces except Quebec.